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No New Posts Gryffindor Common Room

Imagine, every day having to climb up and down all of those stairs. It's a good thing Gryffindor's are a determined (as well as loyal, and brave) group of students, otherwise, climbing the stairs to the fat lady would e almost impossible.

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No New Posts History of Magic

It really is an intresting subject. Learn about famous witches and wizards from the past, what they did, how they did it, and what happened to them. It's not that it's a difficult subject, it's just that some students find it difficult to keep their eyes open during lessons.

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No New Posts Room of Requirement

Some students find it maddening looking for this room. But that;s because they don't know how to find it. All you have to do is walk around the corridors of the seventh floor and think about what you really need. When you come across the room's location, the door will appear in the wall and what you so desperately needed will be just beyond the door.

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Seventh Floor
If you haven't had an asthma attack after walking up all of those stairs, you'll realize you're at the top of the school, now. You'll see an amazing amount of portraits on this floor, but that one of the fat lady looks oddly familiar, doesn't it?
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